Tuesday, 23 August 2011


Today is going to be a hot one here... The forecast high is 35C, which is in the mid 90sF, for you south of the 49th.

I am going for my walk early today to beat the heat. I will be closing the windows and turning on the a/c soon, to prevent my south facing apartment from turning into a toaster oven. Crispy kitties are not on the menu!

However... I fervently hope that UB and Hope did not jinx a change of seasons into happening too early because of their mention of the cold temps and that white stuff that coats the universe when the days are short.

I like the heat, thanks. And I would like summer to last as long as absolutely possible! Because it is usually much too short here. This year has been wonderfully hot, dry and sunny... which was not expected after the horribly wet spring and massive flooding we experienced.

So bite your tongues, people, and keep your wishes for cooler temps in your own neighbourhoods! I quite like the heat wave we're having, even if it does mean I have to do more laundry.

It beats being dressed up as an imitation of the Michelin Man any day...


  1. Sheesh! You are so in the wrong place if you're a summer lover. But I will wish that the heat lasts as long as possible in your city.

  2. I think tomorrow we will set an all-time record for consecutive 100f+ (38c+) temps. Looking at 109f (43c) for Fri-Sun. Uggh.

  3. Summer finally found Franconia. And it will stay a while.

  4. Snooze: Yeah, well... what can I say? Family... ;-)

    XL: Toasty! Stay in with the a/c blasting!

    Mago: I'm glad you are having summer now... and I will cross my fingers that it lingers long into the fall. ;-)

  5. Is it okay if I just open the door in S.C. so the heat will head toward you? Heat rises, right? ;)

    Hope you're feeling better!

  6. So grateful for the F translation. 90! That's hot. Our temp is dropping - I don't like the cold either.

  7. Hope: Sure, heat rises... just make sure it's still rising in January, when we don't have any, anymore!

    Pat: Glad to be of service! Yes, it was hot today... and still is. It is 26C right now at 10 p.m. I'm hoping it doesn't cool off too quickly as the month goes on. Although cooler at night would be nice. Then I can open the windows and turn off the a/c.

  8. Listen, I have absolutely no control whatsoever over the climate. If I did, I sure as hell wouldn't be catching the 5:20 bus every morning. Or, at a minimum, I'd have the sun up by then so I can read without turning on the overhead light.

  9. It's not really got hot all summer here. It will do next week though, when I start my hols.

  10. It has been very hot here for the last several days, (which I like) and today it's chilly. I am already dreading the arrival of winter. I'm with you...no complaining about the heat, we will be wearing our thermals soon enough.

  11. It's not been summer here at all. We had spring and it went straight to autumn. Blah.

    Hope your weather holds out.


So you have something to say about all this, do you?
Well, let's hear it, then!