I'm home from work today, not feeling so hot... which is a bummer as I have a 'meet and greet' tonight and I'd damn well better feel up to going out for a couple of drinks!
Hopefully, this feeling of blah and weakness and tiredness will pass quickly. I don't often get sick. I hate getting sick. I dislike colds and coughs and such, but if I get the stomach flu and have to puke, I get really pissed off! I had surgery on my stomach a few years ago to correct a non-functioning sphincter (the one that stops the back splash of acid up the esophagus) and so throwing up is an ordeal. It takes me longer than the usual person. Which means that horrible wave of nausea and the cold sweats drag on....
It sucks.
But at least I have no nausea right now. And I'd better not get any either!
But since I am home from work and not quite ready for another nap, I thought I'd fling a few random ramblings up on the screen. For your perusal. Or not. As the case may be. Hope I don't bore you all to death...
It has come to be that Lila, that gorgeous blue eyed, chocolate and cream fluff that is on the verge of her first birthday (on the 27th) is a mental case. She really dislikes being picked up. She often hisses at me when I finish clipping her claws or brushing her. And with a long coat, brushing is not optional. No matter what she may think! She leaps on my back any time I bend over... putting on my shoes, brushing my teeth, picking something up off the floor... And when she's on my back, she digs in her claws and starts biting my clothes! So then I have to either stand up and hope she jumps off with minimal damage to me, or reach back and hope I can grab her. She has figured that one out (she ain't stupid, that's for sure) and moves just out of reach. Damn cat!
But she is highly entertaining, that I must say. She bolts around the house, plays well by herself, and carts her toys all over the place, to play in different locations. Of course, she also plays with things that are
not her toys, such as the bar of soap in the bathroom. Many times I have heard it clunk to the floor... and she tries to lick it if it has just been used and is sudsy. Weirdo.
She's a hoot when on my bed. I will wrestle with her, my hand playing with her feet. And what does she do? Oh yes, the usually kicking and grabbing with her paws (which is one reason I keep those claws clipped... the furniture is the other) but she grabs the blanket in her mouth. Or the rabbit fur ear muff cover that has become a toy (because they were useless as ear muffs - poor design). Or my sleeve. And holds it there. And if it starts to come out, she uses a front paw to stuff it back in. Again, I say... weirdo!
She often loses toys under the stove (those little balls with bells inside fit nicely under there) and she'll lie on the floor with her paw under the stove and meow at me. It is then my job to fish the thing out and chuck it into the living room so she can play again.
When I say her name sternly as I can see she's about do do something she shouldn't, she squinches up her face and says, 'meh.' She knows....
She eats anything, including vegetables, dog food and any people food she can snag. I have to be careful what I leave on the counter in the kitchen or briefly on a table in the living room. She's already dumped a full glass of milk all over the end table, including three remotes and two book... and the carpet.
Thank goodness Pips is a snuggle bunny. Otherwise I would be slowly dying from lack of kitty snuggles. The dog likes to snuggle too, but a 100 lb slobbering weight is a bit much for my lap. And my clothes... She gets to lie on the floor, with belly rubs and scratches liberally dispensed.
The dating thing is weird too. I have a meet and greet tonight. I'm on the dating site right now and in the past 20 minutes, ten men have looked at my profile. Not a word from any other them. And most of them are familiar faces... they've looked at me before. Why are men such chickens? I've emailed plenty and more often than not get no response. Whatever...
My dislike of tea has been reaffirmed. I am working on trimming down and to that end, have eliminated hot chocolate from my repertoire of beverages. So I have been trying tea. Black tea is just bitter, even with sweetener in it. Rooibos isn't too bad... it's red tea. But still. I do have a preference for chocolate and sweet, and no tea is that. Oh well. I am sure I'll get used to it.... Maybe.
Spring appears to have arrived. Temperatures are in the teens now (Celsius of course... this is the land of metric, after all) and flowers are poking through the dirt in the garden. Trees are budding and birds are bouncing off my living room window now that mating season is in full swing. I'm sure I will find a carcass or two soon. The cats have heart attacks every time that happens. The big blue spruce in the front yard is experiencing major avian traffic and when I open the window, the cats are fascinated. Pips used to be a barn cat and has hunted in the past but it has been almost 2 years since she became a housebound city dwelling cat. She bolts out the door once in a while and I have to go retrieve her. She'd get run over in a flash here and I won't let that happen. Lila, on the other hand, has only ever seen birds through the window. She just goes insane when the window is open! Standing up with her paws on the screen, meowing and chittering away, running back and forth along the chest that sits in front of the window as their perch.
Soon I will get my bike out of the shed, clean the chain and get it all greased up. Inflate the tires. And then wait for the street cleaners to get rid of all the gravel and sand. I hate riding on that stuff... way too easy to wipe out if you have to make a sudden move because of some inattentive drive. Or one who's just a plain jerk...
I have the brackets to finish the assembly of the BBQ too. They are sitting on the bookshelf by the front door. Another thing to do that I just haven't gotten around too. That's a minor chore, so maybe I will do that today. Then I can hook up the tank and actually use the BBQ that I purchased 1 1/2 years ago....
Right. I have to get off this machine now. My hands are going numb... carpal tunnel does that when you use them too much... Besides I think I need something to eat and then a nap. A cat nap... Perhaps Lila will join me. I know for certain that Pips will. My lap is her favourite place.