Monday, 13 February 2012

Haiku Monday - Mother Nature

The view from my apartment, overlooking the field and fire hall. When we should be in the midst of a brutal deep freeze, with temperatures normally around -30C, it has been so unseasonably warm (other than a few minor glitches of cold) that the lack of snow, and even melting in mid-February, has most of us wondering when a big blizzard is going to hit. Mother Nature has a seriously warped sense of humour...

(It is only -2C outside right now... on February 13th!!)

Weird winter weather.
Global warming's given us
Balmy temps, no snow!


  1. Nice! And we're in the same pattern; had nearly 60 degrees last week and the plants in my yard are confuzzled!

    Glad you're in this week. I hope you had a great weekend.

  2. Yes, things are weird. And here?

    no cooling trade winds
    no tropical summer rain
    pool too hot to swim

  3. Tsk. I think it got blown off course and ended up here.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.


So you have something to say about all this, do you?
Well, let's hear it, then!