Monday, 27 November 2023


 So I got my nursing registration reinstated and started working last week. Had a shift on Tuesday, which was super busy with all day clinics, seeing patients, on my feet, talk talk talk. Wednesday morning, everything hurt (lower back, knees and feet) and my throat was scratchy! Having spent many months just chitchatting with the cats and the occasional person, my voicebox was not at all used to the verbal calisthenics to which it was subjected.

My second shift was Friday, which is a catch up on paperwork day, and prep charts for clinics in the weeks ahead. Not too busy, no patients to see, so much more relaxed. I did have to go up and down in the elevator getting my swipe card from security to be able to get into the unit, paperwork from my boss, etc. Saturday afternoon I started to cough. Sunday I tested positive for covid.

I managed to work through the whole damn pandemic without catching it!!!! But hospital policy is now you only have to wear a mask when doing direct patient care. So I didn't wear a mask in the elevator that was relatively full of other workers and visitors.

Luckily I have 6 covid vaccinations under my belt (or, in my arm, actually) so it is more like a cold. I have a barky cough so I am sure my neighbours think a seal has moved in. I am sneezing (but not stuffed up), and because this seems to be concentrated in my upper airway, each achoo tries to rip out my throat. Owie!! And I don't have much of a voice. I freaked out Aska when I talked to her because my voice was low and gravelly. She was horrified and ran away! I now have to whisper to her, which she is fine with. Goofy cat. My sister kindly picked up some things for me, including a couple of packets of losenges. That definitely helps reduce the coughing fits. No fever, no fatigue, I can still smell and taste. Mild headache yesterday, but that may have been from coughing and sneezing.

I will test every day and hopefully by Thursday I will be negative again, as I have another shift booked. This working for a living is bad for your health!


  1. Hey you. Take good care of yourself, OK? Covid ripped my throat apart bigtime so rest that voice. Do the honey-lemon-hot whiskey thing too. The worst that will happen is you get a little cockeyed for awhile, and dammit you deserve that. BTW congrats on the reinstatement!

  2. Hope you get over it quickly. I agree with the honey etc, I also add ginger. And I make a masala omelette, including a whole chilli, as soon as I'm well enough to eat.


So you have something to say about all this, do you?
Well, let's hear it, then!