Friday, 13 June 2014

Changing it up

Since horses no longer factor into my life in any way other than past memories, I decided to change my blog banner to more accurately reflect the creatures that share my life.

With minor enhancements.

More in line with my future aspirations to be a crazy cat lady.


  1. Hehehe! Nice graphic!

    PS: If I recall properly, it takes three kitties to be considered a Crazy Cat Lady Starter Kit.

    1. I haven't decided yet if I am going to acquire another cat. I live in such a small space (and they are indoor creatures) that the hair can be an issue. These two are pretty fluffy...

  2. They are cute! There is nothing wrong with being a cat lady, crazy or otherwise.

    1. On the left, Lila (annoyingly cute and difficult to handle at the best of times) and on the right, Pips (cuddle bunny extraordinaire, chirpy chatty puss and extremely easy to handle). Definite opposite ends of the cat spectrum.

      Take a guess at which one I tend to like more?

  3. Although not a cat person (Grandma owned the meanest Siamese on the planet!) they both have beautiful eyes! Nice change.

    1. That would be the minor enhancement bit. This may evolve in the future as I play with it in my photo software. :-)

      You'd like Pips. She's more doglike than catlike.

  4. Was für Schönheiten ! Their paws look as if they'd have no idea about talons - is that the correct word ?

    1. Mago, most cats (wild and domestic) have retractable claws (talons, in english, are what birds of prey have, like an eagle or a hawk) so the paws are soft and harmless looking. It is almost effortless on a cat's part to unsheath those claws and cause damage, but they only do that if highly provoked... or wanting to scratch their scratching posts. (Or the furniture!) They provide a very secure grip on prey when hunting because the claws have a pronounced curve.

      Cheetahs, large wild cats in Africa, do not retract theirs claws. They are built for running and use their claws for traction on the ground to run at speed (they can sprint at 70 km/h!) and change direction very quickly. Their paw is more like a dog's.

      Does that explain it clearly?

    2. I just had looked in the dictionary before I wrote "talons", because "claws" seemed not appropriate to me.
      The dictionary gave both word for the German word "Krallen" - "Katzen haben Krallen" is the correct sentence.
      The word "claws" may be related etymologically to the German word "Klauen" - and that is what birds of prey have: "Adler haben Klauen".
      So in future I know what I have to say: Im Englischen haben Katzen Klauen. :)
      Depending on their mood they like to play with the human can opener, and when the cat feels a bit irritated she may bring out the claws, first friendly, later not so friendly. And when one has a good relationship with the cat she may allow that one can press on the paw and bring the claws out. But I think they do not allow this too often. Or touching their ears.

    3. We both learned something today. Thanks! I can now say in German (Franconian?) that my cat has claws. :-)

      Of my two cats, Lila hates being picked up or brushed, but I clip her claws regularly because they grow long and strong and she tends to get stuck in the carpet, as well as she does not know how to play with them sheathed. She loves having her ears touched though, especially rubbed. Pips, on the other hand, will let me touch her paws, bring out her claws, clip them, look between her pads, touch her anywhere, with no problems at all. I can even vacuum her!

  5. They are such cuties!

    I think you've got a ways to go to be a proper crazy cat lady.

    The woman who ran the charity where I got Rummy definitely was one. She didn't worry so much about having many cats in a small space. Where I had my interview, there were 12, each with their own basket and tray.

    You've got so much work to do....

    1. Yeah, they are be cute, but between the two of them, they produce enough loose hair to make a new cat every week! They should be bald by now. Although I have had three and four cats at a time over the years, it is always tricky introducing a new one to the established bunch.

      I may not have enough cats, but I probably have the 'crazy' part down pat. ;-)


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Well, let's hear it, then!